Dawn Princess 2010 World Cruise

Dawn Princess 2010 World Cruise
42 destinations in 26 countries and 5 continents

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 65 New York, New York 1

We got up at 4.30 a.m. to get our spot for sail in to New York. There was a definite buzz in the air as we stood on Deck 14 and approached the skyline on this incredible city. As we came into sight of The Statue of Liberty it was another surreal moment, it gave us goose bumps. It's a moment we won't forget. We sailed up the Hudson River towards our docking place. Technically we ate breakfast on the Hudson aboard our luxury boat! We had a few places we really wanted to see but decided to be flexible as we will come back one day.
So off we set around 8 a.m., first stop was Time Square. It took us about 30 minutes (10 mins to actually get out of the pier), we could see up ahead the buildings began to get taller and the noise of traffic was getting louder. Lots of people trying to sell the Hop on Bus Tours at every corner but in hindsight we are glad we didn't take one as we would have missed just the buzz in the city. Suddenly we were in Time Square...as it was Sunday it was quite quiet....4 hours later and WOW.

New York 2

I am doing this blog the day after (as we were totally exhausted last night) and we both have neck strain from looking up for most of the day. The buildings and billboards are like nothing we have ever seen before. We couldn't wipe the smile from our faces for most of the day, except at the end when we had leg cramps haha. Everything is there and more. The map we had from Princess actually did ok for us, we walked to Central Park which took us about 45 minutes. This is THE most amazing place, its like a tropical rainforest in the middle of this city. The horse and carriage ride was on my bucket list and it lived up to my dream. So there we were sitting in the middle of Central Park, thousands of people walking by and out of the blue George spotted John and Gail, who had disembarked at Southampton. The photo is the moment they turned round and saw him, its great isn't it. What are the odds of that happening.

New York 3

We found the Apple store, another amazing building. We bought an Apple Ipad in the Apple store in The Big Apple.....how good is that.
We decided to walk down 5th avenue to 34th Street and along passed the Empire State Building (we FORGOT to take pics of this, can you believe it) and oh gosh it was just awesome walking past all the famous stores and buildings. Yellow cabs, pedi taxis, fire engine sirens going all the time, police on most corners. George asked a couple of police to take a photo. He asked them if they could keep me, I am not sure if they got it.
We found Macy's, the largest store in the world. The top couple of floors still use the original wooden escalator. You would need 3 days to look around this store....amazing. On our way back to the Ship the heavens opened and it poured with rain for half an hour, it was good to see New York in a different mode. Within a nano  second of the first drop, every shop had someone out the front selling umbrellas!!