Dawn Princess 2010 World Cruise

Dawn Princess 2010 World Cruise
42 destinations in 26 countries and 5 continents

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Day 17 Formal Night Tonight!

We have 4 formal nights this sector, second for us as we missed one due to the dreaded bug that's still going around.  The clocks have gone back an hour each day over the last few days and half an hour tonight.... at this rate we will be getting up when we go to bed. The seas are still rough  We braved the conditions and did our 4 laps of the ship. I forgot to mention the picture of the watermelon face in a previous post, the things the chefs can do with a melon are amazing. This particular one caught my eye as it reminded me of someone after a few drinks who is sharing my cabin!! It is very busy inside today as it is very blustery on deck, but there is plenty to occupy your time. You can choose to do lots or just read quietly. Today I intend to read my book. Yesterday when we had our first hit of rocking seas, many people had sea sickness. I had a queasy feeling, took some ginger tablets and hey presto I felt fine soon after. Its actually nice to feel that you are on a ship as opposed to being in a floating hotel.

Day 16 Ship Shuffle

Well we knew it could not last, the ship shuffle is here, let me explain... you take 3 steps quickly forward then 2 steps slowly forward with a step to the right followed by a shuffle to the left.  George seems to be handling it extremely well, as it is his normal way of walking around full of Drambuie on the ship LOL.
Just relaxing, staggering here and there, in fact if you time it right you can run up the stairs without much effort.
Another 3 days of this to go, nice to be rocked to sleep.  
Every day in the Princess Patter there is meeting arranged for different groups to catch up. Today it was the WA people. It was good to see so many from our home state. prob about 40 or so. Just good to meet some more new people, and have something in common. We spoke with people with Safety Bay and Busselton.
P.S. Joanne, message and photo delivered to Neville.