Dawn Princess 2010 World Cruise

Dawn Princess 2010 World Cruise
42 destinations in 26 countries and 5 continents

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 5

Started with our walk, its is getting humid now but thank goodness no sea sickness. Trivia today, big improvement, 16/20. Thanks again to Gail, in fact if she doesn't turn up we will just leave too. Tomorrow we will miss it as we have just been invited (got to pay) to do the Ultimate Ship Tour, all the behind the scenes stuff so should be good. George is booked in to help with blog posting for a lovely couple, it may be the blind leading the blind. We are having lunch today with more of our group. A couple of people we know have caught the dreaded flu or something so hope it doesn't go around the ship. Never washed our hands so often before, every time we move we use hand gel haha.
Our cabin steward is really nice and very attentive.
The seas are calm and a beautiful aqua colour, its only by looking out at sea that you are reminded that you are on a ship.
Witnessed the first of coffee rage, because the waiter hadn't brought cakes instantly, this lady abused the poor waiter. I felt like squashing the cream pie into her face, there is no need for this as the staff are amazing.
Joanne (packetau), can you please put on blog address on the CC for other WC to enjoy.

Day 4

We had delicious pizza at lunch today, freshly made. Previous to this we had our first trivia experience, 6 of us but really only 3.5 brains attended. Lots of fun and we got 12 out of 20, not bad for our first effort, thanks to Gail.
We have been pleasantly surprised by the age group on the ship, yes there are some oldies but the majority would be in the early fifties to late sixties, but as we have discovered age is just a number, its all about attitiude. Not too many walking frames!
I am actually finding it difficult to have the time to read my Kindle. I intended to read 20 or so books but if I can get through 10 it will be a bonus. I am sitting on the top deck writing this and the loungers are being set up for the Movie under the Stars, they cover the chairs with rugs etc.
Tonight at dinner we were the last table to leave, in fact we were thrown out politely. George and I have never laughed so much, but really George is the dining room comedian, and table diners love it.
A note on the age thing, we met a lovely couple from who remarked on meeting us, "its nice to see some young people, as we thought we were getting on the geriatric ship", George then asked later how old Tom and Shirley were and were amazed when he said 80 years young,lol.