Dawn Princess 2010 World Cruise

Dawn Princess 2010 World Cruise
42 destinations in 26 countries and 5 continents

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 79 Sea Day

Our original Captain, Todd McBain got back onboard at Acapulco and already he has made a BIG impression. We knew how lovely he was before he got off in Dubai but compared to his replacement, he is even more special. This morning, at breakfast, he entered the Horizon Buffet and spoke to almost everyone at the tables. We even got a photo with him, he is just lovely and a great communicator. I think he got the message as everyone almost kissed his feet to welcome him back. I actually feel safer with him at the helm. And we may have made Dublin with him!! Who knows. Pics of the extravaganza buffet lunch.
Yesterday during my laundry time, (its becoming very tense in there by the day), the gossip was that 4 people had been put off the ship due to laundry rage. 8 have passed away I open the door very slowly when I HAVE to go in anticipation. I also heard that The Beatles Tribute Band are getting back on for the last week, HURRAH.
So now 2 days at sea then we arrive in Los Angeles.

1 comment:

John and Gail said...

Glad you have Capt McBain back. Very jealous about the happy hour cocktails - why couldn't we have got some of that. Your impressions of Manzillo and Philip's differ widely. Interesting. I'm SO OVER being home!!!!